From Overwhelm to Clarity

IVF preparation to put YOU in the best position possible

Picture this, you've just walked out of a doctors appointment.... the doctor has said IVF is next... you're armed with a pile of shiny brochures filled with pregnant bellies and smiling babies, a heap of test requests.. 

and of course the all important information about how to pay for it all...

but still no real knowledge of what's ACTUALLY going to happen and how on EARTH you're going to cope with this seemingly insurmountable obstacle of IVF treatment... and, to be honest, wondering if maybe someone got something wildly wrong.

You're feeling overwhelmed, under-informed and completely alone... 

You're not used to feeling stupid... but now, for probably the first time in a really long time, you're feeling a bit like you're out of control and you don't know where to turn.

This is honestly how most of my clients feel when they first come to me - you are most definitely not alone!

Instead, I want you to feel confident, calm and well informed as you go through treatment.  I want you to KNOW what's going to happen next, to be armed with knowledge, and a database to return to - there at the ready when you need it.

I want you to feel like you have all the information and support that you need!

The IVFWTF program is a completely self-paced program, that you have lifetime access to!

All the info you need, at your fingertips, through a filter you can trust. Much better than 27 thousand hours of google searching!

You got this x

It's YOUR body after all and Knowledge is POWER!

IVF WTF Receives INTERNATIONAL Award - Two Years Running!

Lucy, Two Lines Fertility and specifically the IVF WTF program has been recognised for TWO YEARS RUNNING in the 'Best Fertility Service' category of the Fertility Care Awards from the European Fertility Society in 2022 and 2023.

The Best Fertility Service is for individuals and organisations who have been delivering outstanding patient service in reproductive health.

Previous members say:

"Safety net of information to fall back on"

Sarah, Australia

"I’m so glad I signed up!! Just knowing I had that safety net of information portal to fall back on reduce my initial anxiety & stress. The Q&A sessions are fantastic!! I love that you can tackle the course in whatever order works for you & you can go back & revisit! I’ve listened/completed some parts multiple times! Lucy is super knowledgeable & compassionate. 2 things that are invaluable when going thru IVF & infertility!"

"IVFWTF was my Best friend throughout my first IVF cycle"

Ashlee, London

"The IVF WTF program was my best friend throughout my first ever IVF cycle. The whole program was so informative and comprehensive, it gave me the knowledge and empowerment that I needed throughout each phase of the process"

"A sense of calm to an otherwise traumatic time"

Kelsie, USA

"Lucy brought a sense of calm to an otherwise traumatic couple of years. The IVF WTF program is so informative, and I wish I had it before I started this IVF journey! The program has encouraged me to focus on egg and sperm quality with the right tools while avoiding the nonsense. Lucy is an excellent teacher, and I am very thankful for her wealth of experience and tremendous guidance!"

"IVFWTF helped me feel more in control and empowered"

Lydia, London

I’m so glad I found this program. I now feel I am a lot more knowledgeable of all the steps of IVF and what it involves. It’s helped me feel more in control and more empowered to make decisions and understand all the things our specialist has spoken about. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is about to start or is in the process of undergoing IVF.

"I don't know how people get through IVF without IVFWTF!"

Elise, Australia

I honestly don’t think we would have got through that stim cycle as well mentally without your support. Knowing what was happening in my body, what to expect next and having access to you instead of google has been more valuable than I ever imagined. I don’t know how people get through IVF without your guidance and IVF WTF programs, because the clinic barely told us any of what you did!

"Knowing what to expect took away the fear"

Eilidh, UK

The support groups that Lucy creates allow you to connect with others who are in similar situations. No question was a ‘silly question’ and everyone had each other’s back. Knowing what to expect through the IVF process took away the fear of the treatment itself. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is preparing for or going through IVF.

"Went into the first round of IVF knowing we had done everything we could"

Rebecca, New York

This course provides all the information that is missing from fertility education and hospital appointments! We were able to go into our first round of IVF knowing that we had done everything we could to prepare for our treatment. I clearly remember being asked by a nurse just a few moments before egg collection if I knew what was going to happen. Thanks to this course I was able to confidently say yes!

"Caring, Gentle, Empowering"

Alice, Australia

Lucy and the IVF WTF program is the perfect companion for someone starting the daunting process of IVF or even a veteran like me. Lucy and her experts help guide you by providing clear information in a caring, gentle and empowering way to support you to feel ready for your first or next cycle.

Let's take a closer look

Here’s what you get when you sign up for IVT WTF

    1. Terms and Conditions

    2. This is how this program works!

    3. Please complete this questionnaire before you start

    4. IVF WTF workbook

    5. IVF timeline

    6. Glossary of Terms

    1. Preparing for Conception e-book

    1. Things to ditch when you're ttc

    2. Preparing for Conception

    3. Preparing the MIND for conception

    4. Preparing the BODY for conception

    5. 5,4,3,2,1 relaxation technique

    6. Starting your journal - what do you already know?

    7. Investigations for the Guys with Melanie Brown

    8. Waiting for day 1 of your period

    1. Cycle Tracking - how do they know when to do the egg collection?

    2. Decision Tree - download

    1. Day Zero - Egg Collection

    2. Double Lumen Egg Collection needles

    3. Single Lumen Egg Collection Needles

    4. Day Zero - Semen collection and sperm preparation

    5. Day Zero - Testicular Biopsy

    1. Standard IVF or ICSI? How do you choose?

    2. Day Zero - Standard IVF

    3. Day Zero - ICSI Explained

    4. Day Zero - ICSI injection

    5. ICSI Pipettes

  • 64 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content
  • 6 fill-your-battery Meditations
  • Sleep Workshop
  • Payment plans and a money back guarantee

Feel supported, informed and in control of every stage of your IVF journey with this internationally acclaimed, groundbreaking program by Lucy Lines.

The program for people who are sick of feeling as if they lost 50 IQ points when they're sitting in front of their fertility specialists.  

The program for people who are feeling overwhelmed with assisted conception and want to feel like they're back in the drivers seat when it comes to conception.  

The program for people who want to be sure that they're getting their information from a trusted source.

You in? Let’s do this!

Right this way…

100% Money Back Guarantee

Obviously I can't guarantee you a baby... but I can guarantee that the information and support you find inside this program will help everything feel easier. If you join and you find it's not what you thought it was going to be, or not what you want, just send me an email within 5 days and I'll refund every cent.

Bonus material

I have PURCHASED these - and MORE (so you don't have to!)

  • Meditations for IVF

    There are 6 meditations inside the program from Robyn Birkin - Fertility Warrior. These can be downloaded and used as Audio tracks, or watched as a video file

  • EFT (tapping for fertility)

    A complete guide to EFT (Tapping) for fertility from Sarah Holland - European Fertility Society 'Best Fertility Coach' for 2022. Including video and eGuide

  • Nutritional Guidance

    Specific to the Two Week Wait (after your embryo transfer) from Stefanie Valakas - The Dietologist - including recipes and meal plans


Need A’s to your Q’s? Here’s everything you might be wondering about IVF WTF

  • Is there a conflict of interest?

    No! Unlike lots of other IVF information you will find, this course has not been sponsored or funded by any IVF clinics or pharmaceutical companies.

  • Shouldn't my IVF clinic / Fertility Specialist be preparing me?

    Your clinic will give you information about your treatment plan, but unfortunately many patients feel unsupported and un-informed though-out their treatment. This is why I have created this program. This program will prepare you for IVF, help you understand your treatment, manage your expectations and give you actionable tools to support yourself and advocate for yourself throughout your treatment

  • How long will it take me to do the program?

    There are 7.5 hours of video content in this program plus downloadable PDFs and workbooks. You will get access to everything as soon as you sign up, so you can skip ahead to the bits you need right now, and come back to the other bits later. You will have lifetime access to the content so you can come back any time.

  • How is this course different to anything else?

    This course provides behind the scenes information about what goes on in an IVF cycle including images of embryo development, and equipment used as well as explanations of treatments and procedures. You will have all your questions answered and feel knowledgable, confident and in control of your IVF cycle This is all combined with SUPPORTIVE care, meditations, a sleep workshop, nutritional advice (from a dietitian), TWW wait support, Resource guides for Genetics, Surrogacy, Donation, Miscarriage and more

  • Is this program suitable for other countries? or only Australia?

    This information in this program is 100% suitable to ANY IVF cycle, anywhere in the world. There will be differences in your individual treatment plans, but there are foundations to any IVF cycle that are the same no matter where in the world you are. The mind-body connections apply to all human beings, no matter your culture or country of residence. This program was recently recognised in the European Fertility Society's Fertility Care Awards for the second year running in the category for GLOBAL BEST FERTILITY SERVICE

  • What if I get pregnant naturally in the first month?

    I will refund your money! OR You can choose to stay with the program for that incredibly important early pregnancy support. A lot of the content will still be useful for you in that very anxious time of early pregnancy after infertility - sleep workshops, meditations, and resources guides for all the things you'll be wondering about!

Who's offering the program?

Embryologist and Fertility Educator Lucy Lines

With over 20 years experience behind the scenes in IVF clinics and a further 6 years experience providing 1:1 support to women and couples in pre-conception, Lucy is well placed to support and guide you through your fertility treatment. Whether you're looking for information about the ins and outs of an IVF cycle, or ways to prepare for fertility treatment (and maybe even avoid it!), Lucy can help!